Your intended use for the BeastTX?

    Which kind of device you want to control?

    How many devices do you need? (required)
    Second offer position as option/ quantity

    Select data link (first internal port, required)

    Select data link (second internal port, optional)

    Select GPS or third data link (third internal port, optional)

    Select internal RC module (required)

    Select your GPS antenna (required)

    Other extras for the BeastTX

    Select operating system (OS) (required)

    Select SSD size (required)

    Select LTE or AI TPU (option)

    Your autopilot (option)

    ruggedized suitcase not needed
    I need additional services (e.g. further development, software or hardware customization - please specify below)

    Mission planning software (option)

    Mapping software on the BeastTX (option)

    Backoffice e.g. like fire department, Pilot and Co-Pilot (option)

    Airunit/ BeastFCS (Beast Flight Control Streamer)
    Do you need an airunit? (option)

    Customize the airunit (one onboard module slot):

    Airunit/ BeastFCS (Beast Flight Control Streamer):
    onboard Autopilot (Ardupilot compatible)
    Extra 8MP CSI-Camera